Introducing the Pro 2. After much trial, error, filming, sunburn and countless coconuts & nasi gorengs across Indonesia, we are very excited to introduce our Pro 2 fin template. Our team has put themselves across some serious sessions in all types of testing waves getting these right. From heaving Desert Point to perfect Bingin and everything in between, the results have been mind-warping. Holding tight in huge fast barrels, drawing out lengthy powerful carves like the A list pro’s and demanding the attention of the spectators, gasping at sky-high spray when pushed thru the top section of the bowl. Available in all sizes with our signature Ultralite core and a wide range of colors. The Pro 2 is now ready to unlock your next level of surfing while allowing some change back in your wallet and another road trip to your favorite weekend spot!


Introducing the Pro 2. After much trial, and error, filming, sunburn and countless coconuts & nasi gorengs across Indonesia, we are very excited to introduce our updated Pro 2 fin template.

Our team has put themselves across some serious sessions in all types of testing waves getting these right. From heaving Desert Point to perfect Bingin and everything in between, the results have been mind-warping. Holding tight in huge fast barrels, drawing out lengthy powerful carves and driving thru huge sections. Available in all sizes with our signature Ultralite core and 2x Carbon Technology. The Pro 2 is now ready to unlock your next level of surfing while allowing some change back in your wallet and another trip to your favourite surf destination…

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